Maybe You Don’t Need Takedowns?

On the feet you do not have a gravitational advantage: gravity is affecting you and your opponent equally leaving you with only the tactical use of angles and mechanics to stack the deck in your favour. 

Being on your feet also changes the wager of attacking with submission holds. 

In contrast to fighting on the floor failed standing submission hold attempts will not risk the sacrifice of positional dominance but rather at worst result in a neutral position.

 This means standing submission holds are HIGH REWARD/LOW RISK attacks.

Be Lethal Everywhere
  • Finish the Fight on the Feet: Become a knowledgeable martial artist with the confidence and the skills to quickly put opponents away from the clinch. Have the power to make the choice to avoid the floor if the situation predicates this tactical decision
  • Set-up Takedowns: Force your opponent to sacrifice their structure and balance, concede an angular battle or defend with an over-reactive response leaving them vulnerable to attacks from your favoured takedowns
  • ​Counter Wrestling: Think overhook vs underhook. Typically the underhook is favoured. However, an Americana variant standing submission hold can be applied from the overhook which will result in either: the finish, the opponent pulling out and conceding their underhook or sacrificing their structure and presenting opportunities for attacks such as the front head lock
  • Attain an Unorthodox Weapon Set: Attack with a vast range of submissions from an equally vast range of gripping mechanisms giving you the weapons to intimidate opponents and have them second guess every grip they take. Wrestling and Judo players overwhelmingly succeed by the practice and performance of takedowns due to their restrictive rule set. This course will teach you to use highly effective standing submission from a range of martial arts in the context of BJJ, MMA and self-defense scenarios
  • Learn 25+ Standing Submission Hold Techniques: This course will teach you to use highly effective standing submission from a range of martial arts in the context of BJJ, MMA and self-defense scenarios. You will learn to attack with orthodox and unorthodox, efficient and effective submission techniques that will set-up takedowns, gain angles and draw over-reactive responses against your opponent’s. The training series is also supported by movement analysis software, slow motion replays and multiple angle footage
  • ​​Bonus: Private Community ($97)
  • Refund: 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Anton Zafir - UFC Veteran & Australian Champion

"The Course that Aaron has created is an essential product that I recommend for anyone wanting to be able to brutally submit their opponents from the standing position"

- Damien Brown -
UFC & RIZIN Veteran

"The course goes into great detail to provide a huge range of techniques that give you effective options from every scenario"
"The course goes into great detail to provide a huge range of techniques that give you effective options from every scenario"

- Anton Zafir -
Featherweight Champion

Damien Brown - UFC & Rizin Veteran

"The Course that Aaron has created is an essential product that I recommend for anyone wanting to be able to brutally submit their opponents from the standing position"
"Everyone who trains with Aaron quickly learns that he is not your typical MMA fighter

He uses systems effectively where he elicits predictable responses from his opponents and then exploits the weaknesses in these responses. This tactical combat philosophy is extremely effective and hard to counter as it positions him always a step ahead.

The Standing Submissions course that Aaron has created is an essential product that I recommend for anyone wanting to be able to quickly submit their opponents, counter wrestlers and gain an unfair knowledge advantage regarding standing submission attacks."
"Anyone who trains with Aaron quickly learns that he is not your typical MMA fighter.

He uses systems effectively where he elicits predictable responses from his opponents and then exploits the weaknesses in these responses. 

This tactical combat philosophy is extremely effective and hard to counter as it positions him always a step ahead.

The Standing Submissions course that Aaron has created is an essential product that I recommend for anyone wanting to be able to quickly submit their opponents, counter wrestlers and gain an unfair knowledge advantage regarding standing submission attacks."
Damien Brown
UFC & RIZIN Veteran
"I have trained with Aaron in the past and was excited to hear that he created a course teaching people about standing submissions.

Exploring the course I found it to be clearly set out and address not just the submissions but also the grips, the set-ups, the transitions to the floor and wrestling counters.

The Standing Submissions course goes into great detail to provide a huge range of implementable techniques that give you effective options from every scenario.

If you want to learn to use standing submissions in MMA, BJJ or in self-defense scenarios then this course will be a valuable tool for you."
"I have trained with Aaron in the past and was excited to hear that he created a course teaching people about standing submissions. 

Exploring the course I found it to be clearly set out and address not just the submissions but also the grips, the set-ups, the transitions to the floor and wrestling counters. 

The Standing Submissions course goes into great detail to provide a huge range of implementable techniques that give you effective options from every scenario. 

If you want to learn to use standing submissions in MMA, BJJ or in self-defense scenarios then this course will be a valuable tool for you."

Meet Your Instructor

Coach Aaron “The Educator” Blackie is a lifelong martial artist with black belts in both Judo and Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in addition to a Bachelor of Health Science and Education with over 15 years industry experience.

This is the only course on the market that will teach you how to isolate limbs with techniques that allow you to remove all of your opponent's defenses, prevent stand-ups and force opponents into positions where you hold a huge force disparity advantage in MMA, BJJ or real combat.

Aaron has personally used these techniques in his professional career as a mixed martial artist and has shared them with numerous combat athletes from UFC, Rizin and ONE Championship

"Earning my Black Belt under Dan Higgins is my greatest accomplishment. He is known for a philosophy where the practical application of his techniques are suitable for true combat. This means that damage is a factor, weapons and multiple attackers may be involved and the duration of the combative situation is undetermined.

Over time I have seen that this is very rare in contemporary BJJ. Most instructors teach techniques to their students with the primary goal being their effectiveness against an opponent who is 'fighting' them under the parameters of a strict set of competition rules. It is for this same reason that I moved away from Judo.

To me BJJ is a combative art and the test of a practitioner's skill should be determined in no rule contests. The focus on exploiting mechanical, gravitational and angular advantage is the beauty in the art as it allows knowledge to be used as a counter to an opponent's general ability to produce force, which is largely determined by their genetic predisposition of size, weapons or number of attackers. Practice in the art of BJJ enables natural disadvantages to be turned into advantage, much like persistence and hard work in life. "

Standing Submissions Course
  • Quickly put opponents away from the clinch
  • Have the power to choose to avoid the floor if the situation requires it
  • ​Force your opponent to sacrifice balance, concede angular battles and over-react 
  • ​​Counter Wrestling
  • ​Attain an unorthodox weapon set
  • ​Learn to attack with 25+ orthodox and unorthodox, efficient and effective submission techniques
  • ​​Bonus: Private Community ($97)
  • 14 Day Money-back Guaranteed 
Now Only $37

Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed

Professional MMA Fighter, Judo and BJJ Black belt Aaron Blackie’s Exploiting The Wall course comes with a 14-days 100% money back unconditional guarantee. 

You will become a better competitor that is able to attack with High Reward/Low Risk standing submissions as a direct result from this course.

“My name is represented by this product and I have great pride in my involvement in combat sports as an athlete, coach and fan. I will take all of the risk because I know how effective this course is in teaching students to apply standing submission holds.” - Aaron

Just email us requesting a refund with absolutely no strings attached, no forms to fill out, no explanation required and we will issue an immediate hassle free refund deposited straight into your account.

Absolute Satisfaction Guaranteed

Professional MMA Fighter, Judo and BJJ Black belt Aaron Blackie’s Standing Submission course comes with a 14-days 100% money back unconditional guarantee. You will become a better competitor that is able to attack with High Reward/Low Risk standing submissions as a direct result from this course.

“My name is represented by this product and I have great pride in my involvement in combat sports as an athlete, coach and fan. I will take all of the risk because I know how effective this course is in teaching students to apply standing submission holds.” - Aaron

Just email us requesting a refund with absolutely no strings attached, no forms to fill out, no explanation required and we will issue an immediate hassle free refund deposited straight into your account.
"Would really recommend this, bought this 48 hours ago and have already started using these techniques in my rolls! Course is structured really well and there’s no “fluff” to the instruction, just simple demo’s and straightforward explanations." 
"Only just getting through the first lot but already it’s turned on a few light bulbs for me more so detailing the positions where I knew I felt strong and in an advantage, as to how and why that’s actually happening."
"There's a seriously good Judo for BJJ/MMA course online from Aaron Blackie that translates Judo throws in the gi and to no-gi"
"Thank you so much for the course I’m a traditional martial artist myself and I’ve been interested in other martial arts like Silat and BJJ and MMA and i love them. I also have 4 students of my own and we test different techniques and we have definitely put these techniques into our daily training can’t wait for what's next" 
"This program was very insightful in terms of the application of Judo in MMA really enjoyed the course, the content was well demonstrated and explained." 
"That course is soooo damn good. Currently going through it now."


FIGHT IQ connects martial artists with human performance experts to empower complete combat athletes.


FIGHT IQ connects martial artists
with human performance experts to empower complete combat athletes.


  • Gold Coast, Australia
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